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Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 11.55.10 PM.png
Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 11.55.25 PM.png
Kinetic Poster

Motion Graphics

For this project, Multimedia Design students had to translate a 2D static poster, designed by Visual Communication students, into an animatic poster using Adobe After Effects. In addition to that, Multimedia Design students had to create a Social Media Teaser, and a Media Wall Triptych.


My partner and I divided the elements most evident to us in the static poster into 3 parts: the index cards, the magnifier, and the blur effect. The details of the exhibition are revealed using these 3 elements. 


Index Cards: 

The index cards are introduced group by group by layering them in an organized and systematic movement to emphasize the repetition and order of the cards. 



The aim of including the magnifier is to increase the scale of the text and to sharpen the area it passes on. The camera also follows the magnifier around the composition and zooms in to the text that's being revealed to create a stronger sense of movement.



The use of the color pink on the magnifier only in the beginning and the rest as black and white was to build up and incorporate the full colors at the end by using the gradient effect. Whereas for the yellow that is revealed at the end, it acts as. a spotlight; therefore, the flickering effect was included to resemble a spotlight being turned on and off.



The beat, in the beginning, matches the movement of each group of index cards coming into the frame, When the magnifier enters the frame, the repetition of a new beat is introduced to match its movement. When color generates, an additional rhythmic sound is added to match the flow of the visual inking. For the flickering effect, the same beat is added at a faster pace so it echoes. Finally, when the poster decomposes, the repetition of the same beat was added echoing until the poster is fully deconstructed.





Programs: Adobe After Effects

                     Adobe Premiere Pro


In collaboration with Muna Al Jundi,

Deema Al Saleh & Dina El-Sebai.

© 2021 by Lory Krajekian. Proudly created with

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